Dearest reader , doo come in.Im cikgigi , Thank you for being silent reader , i appreciate it a lot.For the girl, please come again but for the boy , please dont fall in love with me cz my heart is belong to the CREATOR

Isnin, 30 April 2012

Sem Ini


oleh kerana sedikit tertekan dgn discrete math yg agk menyakitkan hati .
maka dgn ini , trse mcm nak post gmbr2 aq *tuan bellog pde sem ini 
yg dirasakn cun dn mengUP kn semngt aq ble tgk gmbr sndri
yg tantek , tomey , meletopzz super Hot dan Setuff *ayat mntak penampo .

so ??Jum usha2 few gmbr sem ini .. ^__^

First time pkai kuntekcelen

gmbr plg aq suke nih !!

ontheway ke wedding mizz


balek kg halaman ..

Tarian satu malaysia .

taraaaAA .. banyak kan ?
atotototot  . inilah CIK GIGI , si punye tanah kedaung yang Grrr membosan kn ini .
well2 wezz .. dismping cun serta tomei , aq tetappp garang mcm singe betine
zaman Batu . so what ?? *sekali lg ayat mntak penerajang plop 
alololololo heran tidak .. hahah !
inilah akibat ble kebosanan melanda

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Fully edit by QIELA AZMAN | I HATE COPYCAT | All right reserved by CIK GIGI