Dearest reader , doo come in.Im cikgigi , Thank you for being silent reader , i appreciate it a lot.For the girl, please come again but for the boy , please dont fall in love with me cz my heart is belong to the CREATOR

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Caution : Bad Mood Girl Here !


Arhhh deymm ! i hate this mornink cz i have to be alone till 8.30 from 7.15 am ! Deymm its feel like wanna scream and said 'anyone ? nak join aku jerit ? ' Aaaaaa ! *sewel . And bcoz of that sewel and blur mood , im not in my mood to upload my picture today as punishment *erkkk for my ownself who make mistakes last night*terlepas cakap.Sorry, i didnt mean anything and the 'balasan' for me , i have to be alone although we promises to take 'sarapan pagi' together but ALLAH punya percaturan lebih baik kan ? Terima kasih

Kesimpulannya disini adalah , iolzz takde mood pagi ni ! And wanna know the best part is ? Semalam sakit kelapa  kepala, then i took 2 bijik panadol sblom tdo and after breakfast pagi td which is i know not good at all,perhaps i need to buy a painkiller maybe, but da ? taknak aku rambut gugur , sadis ! 

But but dalam fenin2 lalat semalam , akhirnya semalam aku dpt berborak panjang dengan buddies takkan terpisah aku , Mr. Din Salekin .. Hammbekk kau stori mori semua kua.dari dia tu pendiam , kawan dengan aku.Ehh kalah aku derr , die punya celoteh adess... HAHA ! anyway aku rindu semua kenangan kat ipoh .. Okee need to calm down now , sambil berdoa 'YA ALLAh janganlah panas sgt hari ni , amin ' 

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Fully edit by QIELA AZMAN | I HATE COPYCAT | All right reserved by CIK GIGI